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We're proud to be part of an innovative, mixed use development in the heart of Pittsburg called Block22, named because the city's founders platted it into 51 blocks and this one happened to be Number 22.


The historic properties — the oldest in town!) — include the Commerce, Baxter, National Bank, and Opera House Hotel buildings (we're digging out more history on our building to share soon!).


In 2018, the City of Pittsburg, Pittsburg State University, and the Vecino Group collaborated to bring this corner back to life, and what a transformation it's been! 


Our neighbor to the south, The Foundry, is where you'll find the Small Business Development Center, the Pitsco Idea Shop, a community meeting room, and co-working and business incubation spaces. 


Across the street you'll find two unique and locally-owned dining options: Brick + Mortar Social House and TOAST.


We're keeping our eye on the historic Colonial Fox Theatre across the street, as well, where progress is being made to return it to its original splendor.



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